September 21, 2012

Recipe for Today: Baked Potato Skins

Baked Potato Skins

  • 1/2 cup butter
  • 2 garlic cloves, pressed or minced 
  • Skins from 8 large baking potatoes 
  • Freshly ground black pepper & salt to taste 
  • 1/2 cup grated Swiss cheese

Bake potatoes in a 400 degree oven until tender when pierced (about 45 minutes to 1 hour). When cool enough to handle, cut potatoes in half and scoop out potato, leaving a thin shell about 1/8 inch thick. (Reserve scooped out potato for other dishes.) Melt the 1/2 cup butter over medium heat. When the butter is hot add the garlic. Saute the garlic until softened and fragrant (about 2 1/5 minutes). Place each skin, scooped side up, on a shallow baking sheet. Spread garlic butter mixture on top. Sprinkle with ground pepper and salt to taste. Scatter the grated cheese lightly on top of the buttered skins. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Place the cookie sheet in the upper third of the oven. Bake the skins for about 30 minutes or until hot, crisp and golden.
Additional Tips:
Cooking time: 30-45 min.

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