November 6, 2014

Join “Toys R Us" for their Skylanders Ultimate Wish Saturday Event!

Last year I took the kids to the Toys R Us for this amazing event and got a free reusable bag! (pictured on the left). You can download the TRU Wishlist app and have the kids scan away the stuff they'd like OR just have the kids write the items down on the paper they give you on the day of the event!

Take the kids to enjoy themselves this Saturday, November 8th from Noon to 4pm.  They get to play Skylanders on the tablet or the Xbox One. They get to create their wish list and you'll be automatically entered to win a $1,000 Toys R Us Gift Card! And you get to meet Geoffrey! How cool is that?

Here's a peek at their Upcoming Ultimate Wish Saturday events:
  • NERF (Nov. 15) 
  • LEGO (Nov. 22)

*Event intended for children, ages 3-up. Parental supervision required at all times. All giveaways and event materials available while supplies last and distributed to participating children only. Limit one per child. Quantities limited; no rain checks.*

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