May 9, 2015

Facing Acne: Get Informed and Get It Managed!

I have suffered with acne for years. It cleared up and once again I am facing it 31. No one wants to deal with acne at any age. I definitely do not. I tend to get scars with acne. I needed products to try for my skin type and finding the correct type was a little hard. Acne is something that we are not very comfortable talking about opening because our self esteem takes a hit.

Women tend to cover it up with makeup and we call it a day but that tends to make acne worse. Men can't do that. It is harder for them than it is for us. We can cover ti up and they can't. What better than to have a site accessible to us to help us and give us information about how to deal and manage and get rid of acne? Facing Acne has that! is all about connecting acne sufferers with the best information and product for our skin. Whether we like it or not, we are judged by our appearance. The first thing that we notice on others or that others notice on us are any marks or acne on our face. I am completely guilty of that. When in conversation, I can tell when someone is looking at my acne. I can see their eyes wander around and it makes me feel uncomfortable. This also tends to affect intimacy between you and your spouse. It lowers your self esteem. I am also guilty of that. I am currently going through a major acne breakout on the left side of my side and it has affected my mood and my husband can tell.

Facing Acne is an informational site designed to help people like you and me that suffer from unwanted acne. The content that is provided on Facing Acne is all scientifically based research so you won't have to worry about it all being "word of mouth"

You'll be able to take a skin test to see what is best for your skin type and you'll also be able to download a free e-book! Who doesn't love free?! You get to educate yourself about acne and how to manage and get rid of acne. Facing Acne won't let you down.

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