October 12, 2015

DIY String Art! I Encourage You All To Try This!

I've been wanting to try string art for a while now. I had an old piece of wood that my daughter used as looming board to make her rubber band loom bracelets. I grabbed my pencil, hammer, nails, paint, wood, thread, and starting thinking. 

I began with painting the board a powder blue. Once the paint dried I drew a circle and then a heart. I began placing the nails about 1/2 an inch apart after the paint dried. I used gray and white thread.for this project. I started with just wrapping the thread around the head of the nail and created my own design. Once I felt the gray was enough, I used the white thread. I mixed some gray, powder blue, and white paint and added a few brush strokes. I used the remainder of the paint and added a neon pink and painted the heart. 

Right after I painted it for the final time. 
I chose a circle and heart for a great reason. The circle represents my family and the heart represents the love we bring into this family. My 7 year old had a different representation of this. He said the circle represents the earth and the heart represents the love that it needs. I asked him why and his response was a simple "because there are a lot of bad people that need love on the earth". 

I could not tell you enough how amazing this made me feel. If a 7 year old can realize that this world needs love, then you know that the world DOES NEED LOVE. 

I encourage all of you to do string art. It was relaxing and amazing to create something that had such a big meaning behind it. 

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